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Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Year resolutions

 As we are approaching the end of 2011, most of us will write our goals for the coming year. In many cases, when we think of goals, we tend to add more things to accomplish, to do, to deliver. This is precisely why, after a few months, 75% of the resolutions are dropped. Subconsciously, we feel we don't have time to do more things.

If you wish to stop struggling next year, I suggest you write a different kind of list. My challenge to you is to start saying 'NO' to some habits. In so doing, watch how you can be in the flow of attracting the things you want in your life. Here are nine habits that you could drop:

  • Stop craving to be loved by everyone. You can only be the best YOU you can be. Self love is recognising your worth and appreciating who you are.
  • Stop chasing success and wanting to win at all costs. You are not your beauty, not your position or your status. Your inner self is far more valuable than any outer attributes.
  • Stop needing to be different in search of the holy grail. Start seeing beauty in all of life, accept the mundane and allow your authentic self to emerge.
  • Stop your greed for things: for information, for money, for time. When you hoard you become prisoner of those things. Set yourself free, give freely and liberate yourself. Give birth to a life of generosity and abundance.
  • Stop doubting your abilities, being indecisive. Have faith that you can achieve much more by listening to your intuition and seeing possibilities.
  • Stop avoiding pain at all cost, being addicted to having fun and always planning your next thrill. Be silent, feel your emotions. Allow them to guide you to a place of acceptance, peace and serenity.
  • Stop your need to be the boss. This need to always be in charge is a cry for help from your inner child. Take time to play, laugh  and reclaim your innocence.
  • Stop playing small, your voice is important. Be ready to affirm your convictions, overcome your indolence and allow your energy to carry you to heights you have never experienced before.
  • Stop being a perfectionist. Life is not perfect, no one is perfect.  When you raise the bar too high, you set yourself up for disappointment. Your fear of failure paralyses you. Let go and let God, become flexible and have fun. 
Choose at least one of the behaviours from the list; decide to let go of your attatchment to it. Believe in your authentic power, trust your inner wisdom and discover the miracle that you are.

Please feel free to share your resolutions for the new year.

May 2012 be your best year so far.
Life is big. Be passionate.